The XSAMS schema provides a framework for a structured presentation of AMPSI data in an XML file. It is based on the physical representation of interaction between various objects through description of the physical states and interaction characteristics. Therefore, XSAMS provides rules for presentation of
- states of atoms, molecules, solids (surfaces) and some elementary particles,
- characteristics of interaction between physical objects,
- sources of the data.
An XSAMSData element is defined by the type XSAMSDataType which in turn may consist of following optional elements:
- Environments of type EnvironmentsType that keeps data relevant to description of processes environments,
- Species of type SpeciesType which may include sub-elements Species.Atoms, Species.Molecules, Species.Particles, Species.Solids.
- Processes of type ProcessesType for state-to-state transitions and interaction processes data, with Processes.Radiative, Processes.NonRadiative, Processes.Collisions optional elements.
- Sources of type SourcesType for data origin description,
- Methods of type MethodsType that may contain descriptions of data production methods.
- Functions of type FunctionsType to keep information on functions used in different parts of schema
- Comments for arbitrary description of an XSAMS document.
Example XML instance follows. It has empty Processes and States branches, but is still a valid XSAMS document instance.
Contrary to IAEA version of XSAMS, VAMDC-XSAMS has a namespace URL defined,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<XSAMSData xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" xsams.xsd">
<Source sourceID="BSRC1">
<Name>Smith J.</Name>
<Method methodID="MEX1">
<Description>High-precision measurements</Description>