Describes typical processes of a spontanous decay without photons, for instance, autoionization or predissociation.
NonRadiative element is a container for a list of NonRadiativeTransition elements
NonRadiativeTransition element is defined in NonRadiativeTransitionType as the extension of the PrimaryType, containing following attributes and elements:
- mandatory id attribute of type ProcessIDType,
- optional groupLabel attribute of type String, used to indicate arbitrary process groups;
- optional process attribute to specify if deexcitation or excitation is described;
- mandatory UpperStateRef StateRefType reference,
- optional LowerStateRef of the same type,
- optional SpeciesRef of SpeciesRefType,
- optional Probability element (type DataType),
- optional TransitionEnergy of DataType, the energy difference between initial and final state.
- optional string Type element, that may provide additional details (e.g., indicate that this is a Coster-Kronig process).